You can press the Option key and choose Go to access it, or choose Go > Go to Folder… and type in the path there. Note: The Library folder is hidden by default.

Instructions on how to do so can be found in AddonStructure. In order to work with custom scenarios or campaigns, you will need to have your own add-on set up here. The add-ons directory is particularly useful. Note: This may not be totally accurate for all systems, for my Linux system the preferences file is stored in ~/.config/wesnoth userdata/preferences - plaintext file containing all your saved user preferences.userdata/cache - the auto-generated game cache files.userdata/saves - the directory containing all your savegame files.userdata/editor - scenario and map files created via the in-game editor.userdata/data/add-ons - add-ons you have installed via the built-in add-on manager or are designing yourself.The game looks at the following paths for the respective content: In this wiki, "user data" and userdata/ refer to this directory. Inside are your preferences file, custom maps, saved games, the WML cache and data files corresponding to user-created content. The user data directory in particular is the most important to a content creator. OpenBSD package: /usr/local/share/wesnoth.In a terminal, the command wesnoth -path shows the game data directory. Slackware Linux: /usr/local/share/wesnoth.Red Hat Linux-based distributions in general (openSUSE, Fedora): /usr/share/wesnoth.Debian/Ubuntu packages, or emerge (Gentoo): /usr/share/games/wesnoth.Custom builds: /usr/local/share/wesnoth.

Select "Show Package Contents", then navigate to "Contents" → "Resources". Control+click on the application icon.If you don't remember where you installed the game, right click on the game's shortcut, open Properties, and click on the "Find target" button.
If your copy of Windows is not on C, or Wesnoth is installed in a different location, the path may not match those given above. Note: C refers to the partition or drive where Windows is installed.